Když se o víkendu sejdeme všichni doma, je čas "provětrat" sporák. Mám ráda, když si všichni sedneme ke stolu a dáme si něco dobrého. Je jedno, jestli je to snídaně nebo večeře, slané nebo sladké, jestli strávím v kuchyni půl dne nebo je to jen rychlovka... Tentokrát se zadařilo na už zmíněné psí narozeniny, takže jsme "z jednoho hrnce" hodovali opravdu všichni. A bylo to prostě fajn.
Weekend - when we are all together! Time to stand up to the stove :) It´s nothing more better, as we sit at the table and eat, drink, speak, laugh.. Doesn´t matter if breakfast, dinner, salty food, sweet food, if it has been cooked for several hours or several minutes... The most important is, we spend the time while eating together. This sunday was bealge day - his birthday, so we all ate my tomato souce. It was great. Happy 8th birthday my sweetheart!
Weekend - when we are all together! Time to stand up to the stove :) It´s nothing more better, as we sit at the table and eat, drink, speak, laugh.. Doesn´t matter if breakfast, dinner, salty food, sweet food, if it has been cooked for several hours or several minutes... The most important is, we spend the time while eating together. This sunday was bealge day - his birthday, so we all ate my tomato souce. It was great. Happy 8th birthday my sweetheart!
Všechno nejlepší k osmým narozeninám, Samíku!